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Do you offer free doula consultations?

Absolutely! I would love to sit down with you one on one. Get to know you, and your partner better, and establish a better understanding of what it is you are looking for in a doula, and for your birth. You can schedule your free doula consultation anytime by booking an appointment, or by emailing me directly at

What is your new client procedure?

My general rule of thumb that I like to stick by is no more than three families per month. I genuinely want to be beside each client that I take on from pregnancy all the way up until baby is born and beyond. 
The procedure to taking on a new client is pretty straight forward. First, I'll have you schedule a free consultation (if you haven't done so already). We'll meet at a local coffee shop, restaurant, your home, or mine (wherever makes you feel most comfortable). 
We'll talk about you, your partner, get to know one another. And then, we'll establish your birth plan. Your preferences, wants, needs, fears, concerns, etc pertaining to labor. This meeting will last about 30 minutes.
I want to get a better sense of who you are fully, and I want you to get a better sense of who I am. 
Once our meeting is complete, I'll leave the decision completely up to you. Meeting with me does not automatically have me assume that you are hiring me to be your doula. Although it would be a huge honor to be a part of your very special journey, I understand that sometimes not everyone desires the same thing. Which is why when we part, you'll have full control over the decision making, and going over the pros and cons of me being your possible doula.

How many clients do you serve at Mom To Mom?

My general rule of thumb is no more than three families per month. 

Do you offer any free trial prenatal yoga classes?

Absolutely! To schedule your free trail please make an appointment, or contact me directly via email at
For your free trial you can choose between:• A One On One Consultation Discussing Your Goals And Yoga Level• Deep Breathing Exercises And Meditation• A Prenatal Yoga Session
Please don't forget to mention how far along you are. 
Yoga classes can be taken virtually, or in home. 

Do you offer payment plans?

I gladly accept payment plans. I know what financial hardship is like, and I know sometimes money isn't always there. Custom payment plans can be arranged in person, or by email at
Pregnancy and labor can be stressful enough. Let's make money one less thing to worry about mama! 💕

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