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Our Services

Personalized Care and Guidance


Egg Donation

Hi, my name is Jessica and it means the world to me that you took some time out of your busy day to take a peek at my website.
I know that for some, this can be an uncomfortable topic and I could never pretend to understand how deeply heartbreaking it can be to not be able to have a baby on your own, and life has other plans. But I do know that if you’re looking for help, comfort, and support – I’d be more than honored to be your guide.

Pregnancy, childbirth, motherhood and babies are my passion. So much so that I wanted to truly devote my entire life around it. From being a busy mom of two, to my career, and taking the step to being a registered egg donor – I know that this life, and what I’m doing with it is where I’m meant to be.
Being a mom is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. There’s an indescribable, powerful, magnetic love that you feel so strongly for these tiny little humans of yours when you transition into motherhood. It’s magical! It’s beautiful! It’s amazing in every way. And it’s something I want more than anything for you to experience too!!!

There’s a ton of egg donors out there that are wonderful! The choices can seem endless. But if you choose to go through me, I can promise:

• Compassion
• Understanding
• Affordable pricing
• Willing to travel outside of Buffalo NY
• Eagerness to make your egg donation journey a smooth, hassle free one so that you can focus on what’s most important.

For reference: I am 5’2, Hispanic / Latina, carried two healthy babies full term, natural births for both. No other pregnancies – no complications. No abortions. I have natural brown hair and brown eyes. I do not smoke or drink. I do not do drugs of any kind. I can speak English and Spanish.


If you have any other questions at all, please don’t hesitate to ask them here:


Prenatal Yoga

Body Awareness Birth Yoga Information

If you're pregnant and looking for ways to relax or stay fit, you might be considering prenatal yoga. But did you know that prenatal yoga might also help you prepare for labor and promote your baby's health?

Before you start prenatal yoga, understand the range of possible benefits, as well as what a typical class entails and important safety tips.

What Are The Benefits Of Prenatal Yoga?

Much like other types of childbirth-preparation classes, prenatal yoga is a multifaceted approach to exercise that encourages stretching, mental centering and focused breathing. Research suggests that prenatal yoga is safe and can have many benefits for pregnant women and their babies.

Prenatal yoga can:

  • Improve sleep

  • Reduce stress and anxiety

  • Increase the strength, flexibility and endurance of muscles needed for childbirth

  • Decrease lower back pain, nausea, headaches and shortness of breath

Prenatal yoga can also help you prepare for the stress that you may feel when becoming a new parent, or adding a new sibling.

What Can I Expect From A Typical Prenatal Yoga Class?

A typical prenatal yoga class includes:

  • Breathing. You'll be encouraged to focus on breathing in and out slowly and deeply through the nose. Prenatal yoga breathing techniques could help you reduce or manage shortness of breath during pregnancy and work through contractions during labor.

  • Gentle stretching. You'll be encouraged to gently move different areas of your body, such as your neck and arms, through their full range of motion.

  • Postures. While standing, sitting or lying on the ground, you'll gently move your body into different positions aimed at developing your strength, flexibility and balance. Props — such as blankets, cushions and belts — might be used to provide support and comfort.

  • Cool down and relaxation. At the end of each prenatal yoga class, you'll relax your muscles and restore your resting heart rate and breathing rhythm. You will be encouraged to listen to your own breathing, pay close attention to sensations, thoughts and emotions, or repeat a mantra or words to bring about a state of self-awareness and inner calm.

Are There Any Special Safety Guidelines I Should Follow When Considering A Prenatal Yoga Class?

To protect your health and your baby's health during prenatal yoga, follow basic safety guidelines. For example:

  • Talk to your health care provider. Before you begin a prenatal yoga program, make sure you have your health care provider's OK. You might not be able to do prenatal yoga if you are at increased risk of preterm labor or have certain medical conditions, such as heart disease or back problems.

  • Set realistic goals. For most pregnant women, at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity is recommended on at least five, if not all, days of the week. However, even shorter or less frequent workouts can still help you stay in shape and prepare for labor.

  • Pace yourself. If you can't speak normally while you're doing prenatal yoga, you're probably pushing yourself too hard.

  • Stay cool and hydrated. Practice prenatal yoga in a well-ventilated room to avoid overheating. Drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated.

  • Avoid certain postures. When doing poses, bend from your hips — not your back — to maintain normal spine curvature. Avoid lying on your belly or back, doing deep forward or backward bends, or doing twisting poses that put pressure on your abdomen. You can modify twisting poses so that you only move your upper back, shoulders and rib cage.

    As your pregnancy progresses, use props during postures to accommodate changes in your center of gravity.

  • Don't overdo it. Pay attention to your body and how you feel. Start slow and avoid positions that are beyond your level of experience or comfort. Stretch only as far as you would have before pregnancy.

  • If you experience any pain or other red flags — such as vaginal bleeding, decreased fetal movement or contractions — during prenatal yoga, stop and contact your health care provider right away.


Birth Doula Services 

If you're considering hiring a doula, but you aren't sure what exactly a doula could benefit for you, KEEP READING!!! I've got you covered mama.
For Starters - Doulas Make Birth Better! 

No really, it's true. A Doulas role is to nurture, support and offer expert guidance for families during their pregnancy, birth and the early postpartum time. There is incredible evidence that shows how birth doulas improve outcomes!

“Continuous support in labor may improve a number of outcomes for both mother and baby, and no adverse outcomes have been identified. Continuous support from a person who is present solely to provide support, is not a member of the woman’s own network, is experienced in providing labor support, and has at least a modest amount of training (such as a doula), appears beneficial.”

Doulas can offer:

  • Compassion

  • Understanding

  • Patience

  • A Kind Heart

  • A Gentle Way Of Words

  • Physical Support

  • Emotional Support

  • Partner Support

And studies show that women are use a doula are:

  • Less likely to need pitocin​

  • Less likely to have a cesarean birth

  • Less likely to need pain medication

  • More likely to rate their childbirth experience positively

A doula can provide position ideas for comfort and labor progression cross over with hands-on comfort measures like comforting touch, counter pressure, breathing techniques and other “doula magic” for families. A doula’s skilled hands and positioning tools can often help a mal-positioned baby find its way through the pelvis and into the birthing parent’s arms.

​Doulas help families to feel supported, easing the emotional experience of birth and also helping to create a space where the hormones of labor can work at their best. Whether a birth is completely unmedicated or medically very complex, every family can benefit from nurturing and connection at this tender, incredible time in their lives.

But I Have All Of The Support I Need - Why Should I Hire A Doula?

Great question... Whether it’s a romantic partner, a friend or another family member (like the baby’s grandma or aunt), the birth partner’s experience matters in birth. I am there to support every birth partner in being as involved as they’d like to be with the birth. Physical and emotional support make a huge difference for everyone involved.


Postpartum Doula Services

Your Postpartum Doula Support

After baby is born, you may feel a range of emotions. It can be hard. Exhausting. It can take everything out of you. And believe me when I say, you WILL lose some sleep. It's an array of emotions a lot of people refer to as "The Fourth Trimester". You aren't pregnant anymore, but you may feel just as emotional, vulnerable, and tired as you did throughout your pregnancy.

A postpartum doulas role is to help transition parents into their new, exciting and incredible roles.

Mother and Baby

Birth Story ( Video or Photobook Option)

Make your birth a memory fo look back on forever to come 💕
When you go through my Doula Services, you'll also have the option of "Creating A Birth Story". This means that, while I'm there supporting you through thick and thin during your labor, I'll also be creating a birth story for you, your partner, your loved ones, and your little one forever to come. 
You'll have a choice of either a photobook, a video, or both. 
I'll capture you in your tender moments from home to hospital, to labor, to birth, to baby. 
This service costs an additional $100.00. 

From conception, to pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum, I offer services for every need at a budget anyone can afford ♥️​

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